The Moonchylde Chronicles

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Five Question Friday

Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them (like, totally, duh!), then c'mon back to link up! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your answers in the comments of this post or any post along the way!

Questions for Friday, July 23rd:

1. What were your school colors?

Yellowish Gold (I think they called it Cardinal?) and Maroon

2. What's the best compliment you ever received?

I don't take compliments well so I apparently don't remember them. I've had alot of people lie to me in life so I tend to think that is what they are doing. I've had people compliment me on my mothering, my loyalty, my beauty, but sometimes I just don't believe them. Sad isn't it? I know that my darling, loving husband has told me all of these things and him I believe! :)

3. Do you buy cheap or expensive toilet paper?

I have tried to find a decent cheap toilet paper to no avail. I am just a person who is kinda picky on the issue. We have found I believe it is the Sams Club brand from Sams Club here and it is cheaper and feels just like Charmin! ;) So we've been using that for awhile now!

4. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? Or have you had one for someone else?

I was surprised by a joint 18th bday party by all my friends. My BFF at the time, her bday was the day after mine so they did it up for us, hotel room and everything! Too bad I was sick to really enjoy it. lol And yes I have thrown a surprise party that went off w/out a hitch. I had a blast doing it, was for my ex though so we won't go much more into details! lol

5. What is one material possession that you "can't live without"?

Well my initial idea is to say my laptop, but then I start to think and I think my camera or my glasses since I can't see w/out them! lol I can honestly live w/out my phone, we all did it before, well lived w/out cell phones before at least! hahaha

I'll go w/my laptop, it goes to work with me every night I work and those would be some very boring nights again if I did not have it! Oh, and the wifi signal of course! hahahaha

For more 5Q Friday head over to Mama M's!

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Friday! :)


René (aka Tweeter Bug) said...

Passing through by way of 5QF.

Isn't it funny how we, as women, do SO many things for SO many people, but have a hard time with compliments from those same people? I'm that way at times. Thanks for sharing!

Elizabeth Lyng said...

Accept those compliments, girl! Have a great weekend :)

Raymonde said...

Hi Holly, thanks for stopping by my place and commenting. I enjoyed reading your answers.

Have a great Saturday and a blessed Sunday. xxx

Helga said...

I didn't think to add internet connection when saying I couldn't live without my computer :-O I change my answer to include both the computer and the internet connection :o)

Have a great weekend!!!

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