The Moonchylde Chronicles

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Five Question Friday: June 3rd

Whoa it's been awhile since I've done these! I really need to get better at the blogging thing! ;)

Questions for Friday, June 3rd: 

1. If you had to choose, how would you prefer to choose to spend money...on landscaping or a pool? 
I'd have to say pool, with 3 kids during the summer it would hopefully get the out of the house much more than they do now. Darn computers, video games and TV's! 

2. (Scott likes to get things stirred up...) Death penalty, yay or nay?
Ugh, I'm not comfortable with this question, I could go either way. I firmly believe that those people who hurt others deserve to be punished. But I also believe the people can change, but on that note I do not believe that some have any chance of changing. It's all so confusing really, it doesn't even make sense to me most the time.

3. What's the worst thing your kid has gotten into when you turned your back/blogged/showered/blinked?
A bottle of lotion. lol Seriously, I was actually at work and DH was on baby duty, I think Master Q was maybe 2 1/2. Well they were asleep (Q sleeps with daddy when I'm at work most nights) well Q woke up during the night, daddy was still sleeping and Q took it upon himself to get a hold of one of my bottles of lotion and 'play'. Daddy finally woke up to find Q sitting in bed covered in lotion along with everything around him! lol I laugh b/c I wasn't there....its still a rather sore subject for daddy though ;)

4. How often do you REALLY go to the dentist?
Up until 2yrs ago I hadn't been for like 15yrs! lol The past couple years I've been like 3 times I think. 

5. What is your favorite animal (doesn't have to be a pet-type animal)?

Bears, especially koalas and panda, just too cute! 

For more Five Question Friday visit:

Thanks for stopping by & Have a Wonderful Weekend!


Unknown said...

Stopping by from 5Q5. Hope you'll stop by for a visit sometime.


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