The Moonchylde Chronicles

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog Challenge Tuesday

Here is something new! A friend of mine over at Lawteedah decided to start a weekly blog challenge. I'm excited to participate and can't wait to see what's in store! If you'd like to join in the fun be sure to head over to Lawteedah and link up!

This weeks blogging challenge is going to be about your favorite quote. Make a post about with that quote at the top and then post why it's your favorite. Then go here to link up!

One of my favorite quotes has always been "Patience is a Virtue" I've had to learn to live by this in my life and find that it is indeed very true, at least for us it is. Nothing comes to us easily in life, something is always going wrong or coming up, so having patience for the good things in life is what helps me get through those really rough patches.


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